" Little Boxes "

Every piece travels in it's own wooden shell

Because we believe in sourcing our materials locally as much as possible, we've gone out to find a carpenter ,who works with wood cut from the pine forest trees that grow in the Ardennes, a wooded region in Belgium only a short train ride away.

He helped us make a box that would fit our jewelry and form the basis of our design.  To this we've added bits and pieces we've found in our own garden as well as in the neighbouring woods and fields.  Things like petals, grains, stems and leaves.

We then assemble them into little creatures or organisms that seem to come alive as we mount and glue them.  We have some simple designs and ideas in our head as we build them but most of the time the materials suggest what shape or form they will grow into.

We also try to build a box to fit the piece, so if you're up for being surprised, we would love to pick one for you.  But if one of the box designs has caught your eye and you feel it's the perfect shell for your piece to travel in, we can do that instead.

Oh and before I forget, below is some behind the scenes footage of a box building weekend at our house, where we turn our kitchen table into a potpourri playing ground of colourful shapes and spirals and some of our favorite tools like scissors and glue.